Tailored and compassionate online psychotherapy for trauma, anxiety, and overwhelm.

Find Self-Trust, Balance, & Gentleness with Yourself.

You’ve been carrying a lot for a long time, and that’s pretty exhausting, isn’t it? You’re ready to begin the journey towards healing and peace rather than carrying the weight of anxiety, trauma, and shame. This may feel unfamiliar or scary– that’s ok. You don’t have to do it alone.



Welcome! My name is Lauren and I’m a licensed psychotherapist in California. I specialize in working with individuals grappling with self-worth struggles due to deep relational and attachment wounds. My clients struggle with self-trust and take on too much, leaving little space to acknowledge or nurture their own needs. This often shows up as anxiety and low self-esteem, people-pleasing, perfectionism, and burnout.

I started Living Gently Therapy because I am a strong advocate for taking space to rest and pause with intention. We live in a world that pulls us outward constantly, making it harder than ever to feel connected to our internal experience and hear our inner voice clearly. As we get pulled in so many directions, it’s no wonder insecurity seeps in and we get lost in the “hamster wheel” of trying to keep up, often falling into negative self-talk along the way. 

Here, I invite you to be gentle with yourself. To approach yourself with curiosity and extend patience and kindness towards yourself amidst challenges, recognizing that self-compassion is an essential component of personal growth and resilience

Life doesn’t have to feel like endless striving only to keep feeling like you’re never good enough. Step into self-confidence.


  • Burnout from caregiving roles 

  • Difficulty separating self-worth from performance 

  • Grief and loss in various forms (e.g. Loss of a loved one, the future you imagined, or the relationship you hoped for)

  • Issues related to being an adult child of emotionally immature parents 

  • Navigating relationship with a loved one with addiction

  • Healing and recovery from trauma 

  • Difficulty finding your own voice and decision paralysis 

  • Identity exploration and breaking free from “shoulds,” (get clear about what you actually want)

  • Navigating life as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)/Empath

  • Struggles with loneliness, belonging and community

  • Growing up in a high-conflict and/or abusive home


 The clients I work with acutely feel the tension of multiple roles and holding space for conflicting feelings. They feel stuck and unsure how to find balance due to getting caught up in cycles of past trauma and anxiety.

They want to show up well in their multiple roles and care for themselves. Putting all of your energy into the former can feel good in the moment, but you’re the one who ends each day feeling unseen and burnt out. 

This is just one thread of the greater “Both/ And” we get curious about throughout our work. While it may feel comforting for parts of us to categorize our experience cleanly, this life is messy! I help you hold the nuances and not feel like you have to forgo one for the sake of the other.

The goal is never to silence any part of you showing up, but rather to help you make space for all parts so that you can hold the many Both/Ands without the chaos of internal conflict dominating your experience.

Some of these BOTH/ANDS for you may look like:

Therapy with me is an invitation for you to step back from exhaustion and extend yourself the kindness, grace and space that you so readily create for others.

Begin your journey towards healing and confidence.

Reach out today for a complimentary 20-minute consultation.